International Bulk Conference Program


"Navigating Waves of Change:

Challenges & Opportunities in the Bulk Trade"

The bulk shipping industry is undergoing a seismic shift. Trade lanes are uncertain, environmental regulations are evolving rapidly, and geopolitical tensions add another layer of complexity. In this ever-changing environment, one thing is clear: flexibility and preparedness are no longer optional, they're essential for survival.  Building a resilient supply chain means being able to adapt to any challenge and navigate disruptions with agility. Join us and get equipped with the knowledge and strategies needed to stay ahead of the curve and safely navigate the Waves of Change.

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International Bulk Conference Program


 9:00 AM

Opening and Welcoming Remarks


 9:15 AM

OPENING KEYNOTE  "Charting the Course:  A Look at 2024 Trends, Tonnages, and the 2025 Market Outlook in Bulk Shipping"


Fasten your seatbelts, bulk shipping professionals! As we navigate the dynamic waters of 2024, this session will equip you with the knowledge to chart a course for success. We'll set the scene by diving into the latest trends shaping the global market, with a focus on projected tonnages and a clear-eyed view of the 2025 market outlook. But the journey doesn't end there. We'll also discuss topics such as the impact of the IMO 2023 regulations, a significant factor influencing trade patterns and fuel efficiency. By unpacking these critical trends and regulations, this session will provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the bulk shipping market of today and tomorrow.


 9:45 AM

Networking Break


 10:00 AM

PANEL  "The Future of Bulk Shipping:  Innovations and Opportunities"


The bulk shipping industry is at a crossroads. Stricter regulations, rising costs, and safety concerns demand innovative solutions, and this forward-thinking panel dives deep into the latest advancements that are reshaping the industry. Additionally, new industries, growing economies, and changing geopolitical landscapes are making room for new markets. We'll explore how emerging technologies like automation, data analytics, and AI-powered tools are optimizing operations and revolutionizing route planning. We'll showcase cutting-edge equipment designed for enhanced efficiency and discuss pioneering safety measures that prioritize crew well-being and cargo security. But innovation isn't just about the newest gadgets. We'll also unpack practical strategies and usable metrics to track the health of your shipped commodities and ensure regulatory compliance. This panel promises a comprehensive look at the future of bulk shipping, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to navigate these exciting transformations and achieve operational excellence.


 10:45 AM

Networking Break


 11:00 AM

PANEL "The Bulk Shipping Ecosystem:  Aligning Challenges, Needs, and Solutions"

      The success of the bulk shipping industry hinges on a well-oiled collaboration between diverse stakeholders.  This panel brings together the key players - ship owners, cargo owners, and terminal operators - to shed light on the unique challenges and needs each faces in the dynamic world of bulk shipping. We'll delve into the operational hurdles they encounter, from navigating volatile markets and evolving regulations to optimizing efficiency and ensuring safety.  But this isn't just about identifying problems; this panel fosters a collaborative discussion. We'll explore innovative solutions and best practices that bridge the gap between different sectors, fostering a more streamlined and resilient bulk shipping ecosystem. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that promises valuable insights for all stakeholders in the industry.


 11:45 AM

Networking Lunch


 1:00 PM

PANEL "The Evolving Landscape of U.S. Coal Exports:  A Spotlight on Market Trends and Challenges"


The role of U.S. coal exports in the global energy mix remains a topic of debate. This panel dives deep into the current state of U.S. coal exports, highlighting key market trends that are shaping the industry. We'll explore factors like rising demand in specific regions,  and the ever-present influence of environmental regulations.  This panel won't shy away from the challenges facing U.S. coal exports, examining issues like logistical hurdles and fluctuating prices. But more importantly, we'll focus on potential solutions and innovative strategies that can help U.S. coal exporters navigate this dynamic landscape and secure a sustainable future in the global market. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that promises valuable insights for all stakeholders involved in U.S. coal exports.


 1:45 PM

Networking Break


 2:00 PM


PANEL "Dry & Liquid Bulk Shipping:  Mature & Emerging Markets, Renewables, & Securing the Supply Chain"

      The dry and liquid bulk landscape is undergoing a diversification unlike any before. While traditional commodities remain crucial, innovative sectors like renewables are experiencing a surge in demand. This panel delves into the unique opportunities and challenges presented by these emerging markets. We'll explore the logistical considerations for the growing importance of liquid cargos, the efficient aggregate delivery for infrastructure projects, and the evolving landscape of agricultural product shipments. Join us for a dynamic discussion that unpacks the trends driving this diversification and equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to capitalize on the exciting potential of these burgeoning bulk sectors.


 3:00 PM

Networking Break


 3:15 PM

PANEL "The Connected Port:  Optimizing Bulk Movement Beyond the Dock"

      The efficiency of the bulk shipping industry hinges not just on what happens at sea, but also on the seamless connection between ports and landside transportation networks. This panel tackles the critical challenges of moving bulk cargo to/from terminals to its final destination. We'll delve into the logistical hurdles faced when integrating bulk terminals with rail and trucking systems, exploring innovative solutions to streamline these connections. The conversation doesn't stop there. We'll explore strategies for improving surface transportation infrastructure, including roads and railways, to handle the growing volume of bulk cargo.  Furthermore, we'll address the ever-present concerns of port security and explore advancements in technology and protocols to ensure the safe and secure movement of bulk goods. Join us for a comprehensive discussion focused on optimizing port infrastructure and logistics, fostering a more efficient and resilient bulk shipping ecosystem.


 4:00 PM



Closing Remarks

 4:15 PM

International Bulk Conference Close


 6:00 PM

Annual Maritime Banquet Reception


 7:00 PM

104th Annual Maritime Banquet & Award Ceremony


Please check back regularly for Program & Speaker updates.