VMA24 | Int'l Trade Symposium Sponsorship A: Global

VMA24 | Int'l Trade Symposium Sponsorship A: Global
GLOBAL SPONSOR (Mixer, Symposium, Banquet, Golf)
Partnership of ONE of the following audience engagement opportunities on a first come first serve basis:

1. Hospitality Suite
Sponsors will have access to a dedicated hospitality suite which may be used for private meetings for the duration of the conference. Suite is equipped with wireless internet access and furnished with a combination of boardroom style layout and seating for guests. Event App will identify Location of Hospitality Suite to Attendees.

2. Networking Grab and Go Lunch Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition when and where lunch break is promoted
- Opportunity to place one Pop-up banner by the lunch area
- Recognition as conference lunch Sponsor on Event App

3. Registration Sponsor
- Sponsor recognition and logo at on-site registration area
- Opportunity to distribute a promotional flyer/item at registration
- Recognition as conference registration Sponsor on Event App

4. Exclusive WiFi Sponsor
- Sponsor will create custom network name and password (password must contain Eight (8) digits and One (1) capital letter and One (1) number)
-Recognition as conference WiFi Sponsor in Event App and on-site
Sponsor Participation
• Six (6) complimentary Symposium and Mixer admissions
• Complimentary full-table (10 admissions) with preferred table placement at Maritime Banquet
• Complimentary golf foursome (4)

Sponsor representative can introduce a keynote speaker during Symposium. This is on a first come first serve basis.

Sponsor Branding On-site
• Verbal identification and recognition as a Global Sponsor at the Mixer, Symposium, Banquet, and Golf
• Logo will appear on all printed event/promotional materials and on presentation screens at applicable events (Mixer, Symposium, Banquet, Golf) identifying Partner as a Global Sponsor
• Sponsor may distribute company collateral at Symposium and Golf
Sponsor Branding on Website
• Partner logo in all event-related emails announcing Partner as Global Sponsor
• Partner logo on VMA website

Sponsor Branding in Event App
Partner recognition in VMA Event app
• Three (3) push notifications announcing Partner as Global Sponsor
• Sponsor logo to appear in sponsor section of event app
• Partner logo as Featured Exhibitor on event app if utilizing Exhibitor Table
• Company description (up to 250 words) featured on event app

Placement in Periodical Publications
Sponsor logo to be included in VMA International Trade Symposium ads in various trade publications

Exhibitor Table
Full Table to display all Partner collateral

Event Planning & Support
A VMA Liaison will be assigned as central point of contact to provide guidance, assistance, and coordination of Partner benefits.

Sponsorship Fee: $30,000 USD
Sponsorship Fee: (with Early Bird Discount by May 31, 2024): $27,500.00

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